Book Details
Publication Date: March 4th, 2025
Paperback 6″× 9″ 248 pages
$19.95 USD
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Finding Your Values
Here’s a 4-page printable handout listing 46 core values you can use to help you identify the ones that motivate you. This is an expansion of the discussion of values on pp. 15-18 of the printed book.
A Self-Compassion Visualization
Here’s an audio version of Dr. Diana Hill’s compassionate perspective-taking exercise on pp. 34-35 of the print book (Reason #4):
A Mindful Pause
Here’s a guided “mindful pause” with Dr. Diana Hill—as referenced on p. 89 of the print book (Reason #15):
Permission to Move
Here’s a link to a few simple printable signs that give permission for both children and adults to MOVE their bodies—as referenced on p. 113 of the print book (Reason #19). Note that you’ll need to scroll down the page past the photo of the refrigerator to find the links to the individual signs.
Hayes, Steven C., Kirk D. Strosahl, and Kelly G. Wilson. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An Experiential Approach to Behavior Change. New York, New York: Guilford Press, 1999.
Hayes, Steven C. A Liberated Mind: How to Pivot Toward What Matters. New York, New York: Penguin Publishing Group, 2020.
Chapter 1
Marques, Adilson, Priscila Marconcin, André O. Werneck, Gerson Ferrari, Élvio R. Gouveia, Matthias Kliegel, Miguel Peralta, and Andreas Ihle. “Bidirectional Association Between Physical Activity and Dopamine Across Adulthood—A Systematic Review.” Brain Sciences 11, no. 7 (2021): 829.
Reason #1
Elgaddal, Nazik, Ellen A. Kramarow, and Cynthia Reuben. “Physical Activity Among Adults Aged 18 and Over: United States, 2020.” NCHS Data Brief 443, (2022). https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db443.htm
Women in Sport. “Research Report: Changing the Game for Girls—Getting Girls Active.” House of Sport (2017). https://womeninsport.org/resource/changing-game-girls/
Reason #2
Ulmer, Christi S., Barbara A. Stetson, and Paul G. Salmon. “Mindfulness and Acceptance are Associated with Exercise Maintenance in YMCA Exercisers.” Behaviour Research and Therapy 48, no. 8 (2010): 805-809.
Russo-Netzer, Pninit, and Geoffrey L. Cohen. “‘If You’re Uncomfortable, Go Outside Your Comfort Zone’: A Novel Behavioral ‘Stretch’ Intervention Supports the Well-Being of Unhappy People.” The Journal of Positive Psychology 18, no. 3 (2023): 394-410.
Epel, Elissa S. “The Geroscience Agenda: Toxic Stress, Hormetic Stress, and the Rate of Aging.” Ageing Research Reviews 63 (2020): 101167.
Cardinal, Bradley J., Zi Yan, and Marita K. Cardinal. “Negative experiences in physical education and sport: How much do they affect physical activity participation later in life?.” Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 84, no. 3 (2013): 49-53.
Kwan, Bethany M., Courtney J. Stevens, and Angela D. Bryan. “What to expect when you’re exercising: An experimental test of the anticipated affect–exercise relationship.” Health Psychology 36, no. 4 (2017): 309.
Loehr, Valerie G., and Austin S. Baldwin. “Affective forecasting error in exercise: Differences between physically active and inactive individuals.” Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 3, no. 3 (2014): 177.
Reason #3
Kirgios, Erika L., Graelin H. Mandel, Yeji Park, Katherine L. Milkman, Dena M. Gromet, Joseph S. Kay, and Angela L. Duckworth. “Teaching Temptation Bundling to Boost Exercise: A Field Experiment.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 161 (2020): 20-35.
Bryant, Fred B., and Joseph Veroff. Savoring: A New Model of Positive Experience. New York, New York: Psychology Press, 2017.
Miyakawa, Erika, Philip L. Pearce, and Takashi Oguchi. “Savoring Tourism: Exploring Basic Processes.” Annals of Tourism Research 97 (2022): 103498.
Ladwig, Matthew A., Christopher N. Sciamanna, Liza S. Rovniak, David E. Conroy, Jinger S. Gottschall, Matthew L. Silvis, Joshua M. Smyth, Ming Wang, and Brandon J. Auer. “Comparative effectiveness of an adult social physical play versus traditional group exercise program for adherence and fitness: protocol for a randomized-controlled trial.” Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 21 (2021): 100736.
Reason #4
Hill, Diana. The Self-Compassion Daily Journal: Let Go of Your Inner Critic and Embrace Who You Are With Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Oakland, California: New Harbinger Publications, 2024.
Zhang, Shuge, Clare Roscoe, and Andy Pringle. “Self-Compassion and Physical Activity: The Underpinning Role of Psychological Distress and Barrier Self-Efficacy.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 2 (2023): 1480.
Reason #5
Matsumoto, Hiroshi, and Koji Takenaka. “Motivational Profiles and Stages of Exercise Behavior Change.” International Journal of Sport and Health Science 2 (2004): 89-96.
Fogg, Brian J. Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2019.
Jackson, Ronald E., Wei Lang, Renee J. Rogers, Erik B. Schelbert, Sara J. Kovacs, Seth A. Creasy, and John M. Jakicic. “Accumulated physical activity and the association with obesity, fitness, and cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy adults.” Obesity 32, no. 1 (2024): 23-31.
Reason #6
Neff, Kristin. Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive. New York, New York: HarperCollins, 2021.
Reason #7
Weinstein, Aviv, and Attila Szabo. “Exercise addiction: A narrative overview of research issues.” Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 25, no. 1 (2023): 1-13.
Chapter 2
Whillans, Ashley. Time Smart: How to Reclaim Your Time and Live a Happier Life. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press, 2020.
Holmes, Cassie. Happier Hour: How to Beat Distraction, Expand Your Time, and Focus on What Matters Most. New York, New York: Gallery Books, 2022.
Reason #9
Oishi, Shigehiro, and Erin C. Westgate. “A psychologically rich life: Beyond happiness and meaning.” Psychological Review 129, no. 4 (2022): 790-811.
McGonigal, Kelly. The Joy of Movement: How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection, and Courage. New York, New York: Penguin Publishing Group, 2021. Quote appears on p. 12.
Butryn, Meghan L., Evan Forman, Kimberly Hoffman, Jena Shaw, and Adrienne Juarascio. “A pilot study of acceptance and commitment therapy for promotion of physical activity.” Journal of Physical Activity and Health 8, no. 4 (2011): 516-522.
Oishi, Shigehiro, Hyewon Choi, Ailin Liu, and Jaime Kurtz. “Experiences associated with psychological richness.” European Journal of Personality 35, no. 5 (2021): 754-770.
Oishi, Shigehiro, and Erin C. Westgate. “A psychologically rich life: Beyond happiness and meaning.” Psychological Review 129, no. 4 (2022): 790-811.
Reason #10
Piercy, Katrina L., Richard P. Troiano, Rachel M. Ballard, Susan A. Carlson, Janet E. Fulton, Deborah A. Galuska, Stephanie M. George, and Richard D. Olson. “The physical activity guidelines for Americans.” Jama 320, no. 19 (2018): 2020-2028.
von Loeffelholz, Christian, and Andreas L. Birkenfeld. “Non-exercise activity thermogenesis in human energy homeostasis.” In Endotext, edited by Kenneth R Feingold. South Dartmouth, MA: MDText.com, Inc., 2022. Accessed October 2, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/books/NBK279077/
Rizzato, Alex, Giuseppe Marcolin, and Antonio Paoli. “Non-exercise activity thermogenesis in the workplace: The office is on fire.” Frontiers in Public Health 10 (2022): 1024856.
Reason #11
Linehan, Marsha M. DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets. New York, New York: Guilford Publications, 2014.
Fletcher, Garth JO, Jeffry A. Simpson, and Geoff Thomas. “The measurement of perceived relationship quality components: A confirmatory factor analytic approach.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26, no. 3 (2000): 340-354.
Dush, Claire M. Kamp, and Paul R. Amato. “Consequences of relationship status and quality for subjective well-being.” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 22, no. 5 (2005): 607-627.
Galliher, Renee V., Deborah P. Welsh, Sharon S. Rostosky, and Myra C. Kawaguchi. “Interaction and relationship quality in late adolescent romantic couples.” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 21, no. 2 (2004): 203-216.
Reason #12
Elgaddal, Nazik, Ellen A. Kramarow, and Cynthia Reuben. “Physical Activity Among Adults Aged 18 and Over: United States, 2020.” NCHS Data Brief 443, (2022). https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db443.htm
Crosswell, Alexandra D., Madhuvanthi Suresh, Eli Puterman, Tara L. Gruenewald, Jinkook Lee, and Elissa S. Epel. “Advancing research on psychosocial stress and aging with the health and retirement study: Looking back to launch the field forward.” The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 75, no. 5 (2020): 970-980.
Epel, Elissa. The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease. New York, New York: Penguin Publishing Group, 2022.
Crum, Alia J., and Ellen J. Langer. “Mind-set matters: Exercise and the placebo effect.” Psychological Science 18, no. 2 (2007): 165-171.
Reason #13
Niedenthal, Paula M. “Embodying emotion.” Science 316, no. 5827 (2007): 1002-1005.
Matos, Marcela, Joana Duarte, Cristiana Duarte, Paul Gilbert, and José Pinto-Gouveia. “How one experiences and embodies compassionate mind training influences its effectiveness.” Mindfulness 9 (2018): 1224-1235.
Gilbert, Paul, and Choden. Mindful Compassion: How the Science of Compassion Can Help You Understand Your Emotions, Live in the Present, and Connect Deeply with Others. Oakland, California: New Harbinger Publications, 2014.
Reason #14
Mikolajczak, Moïra, Marie-Emilie Raes, Hervé Avalosse, and Isabelle Roskam. “Exhausted parents: Sociodemographic, child-related, parent-related, parenting and family-functioning correlates of parental burnout.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 27 (2018): 602-614.
Psychogiou, Lamprini, Karen Legge, Emma Parry, John Mann, Selina Nath, Tamsin Ford, and Willem Kuyken. “Self-compassion and parenting in mothers and fathers with depression.” Mindfulness 7 (2016): 896-908.
Reason #15
Zhu, Meng, Yang Yang, and Christopher K. Hsee. “The mere urgency effect.” Journal of Consumer Research 45, no. 3 (2018): 673-690.
Chapter 3
Reason #16
Sandoz, Emily K., Jennifer B. Webb, Courtney B. Rogers, and Emily Squyres. “Body Image Flexibility.” In Handbook of Positive Body Image and Embodiment: Constructs, Protective Factors, and Interventions, edited by Tracy L. Tylka and Niva Piran, 42-51. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Engeln, Renee, Margaret Shavlik, and Colleen Daly. “Tone it down: How fitness instructors’ motivational comments shape women’s body satisfaction.” Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 12, no. 4 (2018): 508-524.
Shi, Linyu, Lixia Jiang, Song Zhou, Wenbo Zhou, and Huaqi Yang. “Self-appreciation is not enough: Exercise identity mediates body appreciation and physical activity and the role of perceived stress.” Frontiers in Psychology 15 (2024): 1377772.
Reason #17
Schnall, Simone, Kent D. Harber, Jeanine K. Stefanucci, and Dennis R. Proffitt. “Social support and the perception of geographical slant.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44, no. 5 (2008): 1246-1255.
Feltz, Deborah L., Norbert L. Kerr, and Brandon C. Irwin. “Buddy up: the Köhler effect applied to health games.” Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 33, no. 4 (2011): 506-526.
Farrance, Clare, Fotini Tsofliou, and Carol Clark. “Adherence to community based group exercise interventions for older people: A mixed-methods systematic review.” Preventive Medicine 87 (2016): 155-166.
Hill, Diana, host. “Brain Health and Exercise Across the Lifespan with Dr. Jenny Etnier.” Your Life in Process (podcast), January 22, 2024, accessed October 1, 2024, https://drdianahill.com/102-brain-health-and-exercise-across-the-lifespan-with-dr-jenny-etnier/.
Aral, Sinan, and Christos Nicolaides. “Exercise contagion in a global social network.” Nature Communications 8, no. 1 (2017): 14753.
Kardas, Michael, Amit Kumar, and Nicholas Epley. “Let it go: How exaggerating the reputational costs of revealing negative information encourages secrecy in relationships.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2023).
Aron, Arthur, Edward Melinat, Elaine N. Aron, Robert Darrin Vallone, and Renee J. Bator. “The experimental generation of interpersonal closeness: A procedure and some preliminary findings.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 23, no. 4 (1997): 363-377; “36 Questions for Increasing Closeness.” Greater Good in Action. Accessed October 2, 2024. https://ggia.berkeley.edu/practice/36_questions_for_increasing_closeness
Reason #18
Westover, Tara. Educated: A Memoir. New York, New York: Penguin Random House, 2018.
Klein, Linda Kay. Pure: Inside the Evangelical Movement that Shamed a Generation of Young Women and How I Broke Free. New York, New York: Atria Books, 2019.
Nagoski, Emily. Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life. Melbourne, Australia: Scribe Media, 2015.
Shabu, Sherzad A., Mariwan H. Saka, Dara A. Al-Banna, Sahar M. Zaki, Hamdia M. Ahmed, and Nazar P. Shabila. “A cross-sectional study on the perceived barriers to physical exercise among women in Iraqi Kurdistan Region.” BMC Women’s Health 23, no. 1 (2023): 543.
Nunes-Reis, Aline R., Rosa A. Da Luz, Jose M. De Deus, Edson Z. Martinez, and Délio M. Conde. “Association of religiosity with mental health and quality of life in women with chronic pelvic pain.” The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 55, no. 6 (2020): 408-420.
Blanco Gutiérrez, Verónica, Vanora A. Hundley, and Susan Way. “The Experience of Women From Underrepresented Groups With Urinary Incontinence: A Systematic Review.” Journal of Transcultural Nursing 34, no. 4 (2023): 288-300.
Patanwala, Insiyyah, Georgine Lamvu, Megan Mizera, Matthew Fisk, and Emily Blanton. “Learning restrictive sexual values may be associated with dyspareunia.” Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders 12, no. 2 (2020): 61-68.
Reason #19
Gerasimo, Pilar. The Healthy Deviant: A Rule Breaker’s Guide to Being Healthy in an Unhealthy World. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books, 2020.
Reason #20
Voorheis, Paula, Michelle Silver, and Josie Consonni. “Adaptation to life after sport for retired athletes: a scoping review of existing reviews and programs.” PLOS One 18, no. 9 (2023): e0291683.
Reifsteck, Erin J., Diane L. Gill, and D. L. Brooks. “The relationship between athletic identity and physical activity among former college athletes.” Athletic Insight 5, no. 3 (2013): 271-284.
Dionigi, Rylee, and Gabrielle O’Flynn. “Performance discourses and old age: What does it mean to be an older athlete?.” Sociology of Sport Journal 24, no. 4 (2007): 359-377.
Young, Bradley W., Bettina Callary, and Scott Rathwell. “Psychological considerations for the older athlete.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. 2018.
Stulberg, Brad. Master of Change: How to Excel When Everything is Changing—Including You. Stockholm, Sweden: Bonnier Books, 2023.
Zhang, Kaili, Juan Shi, Fengyan Wang, and Michel Ferrari. “Wisdom: Meaning, structure, types, arguments, and future concerns.” Current Psychology 42, no. 18 (2023): 15030-15051.
Reason #21
Barkataki, Susanna. Embrace Yoga’s Roots: Courageous Ways to Deepen Your Yoga Practice. Orlando, Florida: Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute, 2020. Quote appears on p. 5.
Fardouly, Jasmine, Amy Slater, Jade Parnell, and Phillippa C. Diedrichs. “Can following body positive or appearance neutral Facebook pages improve young women’s body image and mood? Testing novel social media micro-interventions.” Body Image 44 (2023): 136-147.
Stanley, Jessamyn. Every Body Yoga: Let Go of Fear, Get On the Mat, Love your Body. New York, New York: Workman Publishing Company, 2017.
Taylor, Sonya Renee. The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love. Oakland, California: Berrett-Koehler Publications, 2018.
Barkataki, Susanna. Embrace Yoga’s Roots: Courageous Ways to Deepen Your Yoga Practice. Orlando, Florida: Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute, 2020.
Webb, Jennifer B., Meagan P. Padro, Erin Vinoski Thomas, Alexandria E. Davies, Lena Etzel, Courtney B. Rogers, and Natalia I. Heredia. “Yoga at Every Size: A Preliminary Evaluation of a Brief Online Size-Inclusive Yoga and Body Gratitude Journaling Intervention to Enhance Positive Embodiment in Higher Weight College Women.” Frontiers in Global Women’s Health 3 (2022): 852854.
Braun, Tosca D., Kristen E. Riley, Zachary J. Kunicki, Lucy Finkelstein-Fox, Lisa A. Conboy, Crystal L. Park, Elizabeth Schifano, Ana M. Abrantes, and Sara W. Lazar. “Internalized weight stigma and intuitive eating among stressed adults during a mindful yoga intervention: associations with changes in mindfulness and self-compassion.” Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 9, no. 1 (2021): 933-950.
Reason #22
Roychowdhury, Dev. “Moving mindfully: The role of mindfulness practice in physical activity and health behaviours.” Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 6, no. 1 (2021): 19.
Chapter 4
Reason #23
Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York, New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2011.
Walser, Robyn. The Heart of ACT: Developing a Flexible, Process-Based, and Client-Centered Practice Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Oakland, California: New Harbinger Publications, 2019.
Jacquet, Thomas, Benedicte Poulin-Charronnat, Patrick Bard, Joris Perra, and Romuald Lepers. “Physical activity and music to counteract mental fatigue.” Neuroscience 478 (2021): 75-88.
Reason #24
Nielson, Warren R., Mark P. Jensen, Petra A. Karsdorp, and Johannes WS Vlaeyen. “Activity pacing in chronic pain: concepts, evidence, and future directions.” The Clinical Journal of Pain 29, no. 5 (2013): 461-468.
Reason #25
Dąbrowska, Jolanta, Magdalena Dąbrowska-Galas, Magdalena Rutkowska, and Bogdan Adam Michalski. “Twelve-week exercise training and the quality of life in menopausal women–clinical trial.” Menopause Review/Przegląd Menopauzalny 15, no. 1 (2016): 20-25.
McArthur, Deanne, Alex Dumas, Kirsten Woodend, Sarah Beach, and Dawn Stacey. “Factors influencing adherence to regular exercise in middle-aged women: a qualitative study to inform clinical practice.” BMC Women’s Health 14 (2014): 1-8.
Mosconi, Lisa. The Menopause Brain: New Science Empowers Women to Navigate the Pivotal Transition with Knowledge and Confidence. New York, New York: Penguin Publishing Group, 2024.
Mosconi, Lisa, Valentina Berti, Jonathan Dyke, Eva Schelbaum, Steven Jett, Lacey Loughlin, Grace Jang et al. “Menopause impacts human brain structure, connectivity, energy metabolism, and amyloid-beta deposition.” Scientific Reports 11, no. 1 (2021): 10867.
Reason #27
Williams, Jane, Gillian W. Shorter, Neil Howlett, Julia Zakrzewski-Fruer, and Angel M. Chater. “Can physical activity support grief outcomes in individuals who have been bereaved? A systematic review.” Sports Medicine-Open 7 (2021): 1-17.
Buckley, Thomas, Dalia Sunari, Andrea Marshall, Roger Bartrop, Sharon McKinley, and Geoffrey Tofler. “Physiological correlates of bereavement and the impact of bereavement interventions.” Dialogues in clinical neuroscience 14, no. 2 (2012): 129-139.
O’Connor, Mary-Frances. The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss. New York, New York: HarperCollins, 2022.
Fagundes, Christopher P., Ryan L. Brown, Michelle A. Chen, Kyle W. Murdock, Levi Saucedo, Angie LeRoy, E. Lydia Wu et al. “Grief, depressive symptoms, and inflammation in the spousally bereaved.” Psychoneuroendocrinology 100 (2019): 190-197.
Williams, Jane, Harriet Wingfield, and Angel Marie Chater. “The Grief Cycle: Investigating the Influence of Cycling on Grief Outcomes in Individuals who have Experienced a Bereavement.” OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying (2024): 00302228241263632.
Reason #28
Kozak, Agnessa, Tanja Wirth, Miet Verhamme, and Albert Nienhaus. “Musculoskeletal health, work-related risk factors and preventive measures in hairdressing: a scoping review.” Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 14 (2019): 1-14.
Bowman, Katy. Rethink Your Position: Reshape Your Exercise, Yoga, and Everyday Movement, One Part at a Time. Carlsborg, Washington: Propriometrics Press, 2023.
Chapter 5
Reason #29
Lembke, Anna. Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence. New York, New York: Penguin Random House, 2021.
Marques, Adilson, Priscila Marconcin, André O. Werneck, Gerson Ferrari, Élvio R. Gouveia, Matthias Kliegel, Miguel Peralta, and Andreas Ihle. “Bidirectional association between physical activity and dopamine across adulthood—A systematic review.” Brain Sciences 11, no. 7 (2021): 829.
Reason #31
Duhigg, Charles. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business. New York, New York: Random House, 2012.
Reason #32
Oppezzo, Marily, and Daniel L. Schwartz. “Give your ideas some legs: the positive effect of walking on creative thinking.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 40, no. 4 (2014): 1142.
Ligeza, Tomasz S., Marie Julie Vens, Thea Bluemer, and Markus Junghofer. “Acute aerobic exercise benefits allocation of neural resources related to selective attention.” Scientific Reports 13, no. 1 (2023): 8624.
Liao, Yue, Eleanor T. Shonkoff, and Genevieve F. Dunton. “The acute relationships between affect, physical feeling states, and physical activity in daily life: a review of current evidence.” Frontiers in Psychology 6 (2015): 1975.
Newport, Cal. Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout. New York, New York: Penguin, 2024.
Chapter 6
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. “Social Determinants of Health.” Healthy People 2030. https://odphp.health.gov/healthypeople/priority-areas/social-determinants-health
Reason #33
Ferreira Silva, Regina Marcia, Carolina Rodrigues Mendonca, Vinicius Diniz Azevedo, Aamir Raoof Memon, Priscilla Rayanne E. Silva Noll, and Matias Noll. “Barriers to high school and university students’ physical activity: A systematic review.” PLOS One 17, no. 4 (2022): e0265913.
Bennett, Gary G., Lorna H. McNeill, Kathleen Y. Wolin, Dustin T. Duncan, Elaine Puleo, and Karen M. Emmons. “Safe to walk? Neighborhood safety and physical activity among public housing residents.” PLOS Medicine 4, no. 10 (2007): e306.
Reason #34
Elgaddal, Nazik, Ellen A. Kramarow, and Cynthia Reuben. “Physical Activity Among Adults Aged 18 and Over: United States, 2020.” NCHS Data Brief 443, (2022). https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db443.htm
Reason #35
Figueres, Christiana, and Tom Rivett-Carnac. The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis. New York, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2020.
Reason #37
Hornbuckle, Lyndsey M. “Running While Black: A distinctive safety concern and barrier to exercise in White neighborhoods.” Preventive Medicine Reports 22 (2021): 101378.
Williams, David R., Jourdyn A. Lawrence, Brigette A. Davis, and Cecilia Vu. “Understanding how discrimination can affect health.” Health Services Research 54 (2019): 1374-1388.
Ellis, Nicquel Terry. “What we know about community where Ahmaud Arbery was shot: 911 caller reported ‘black guy’ on property.” USA Today (McLean, Virginia), May 8, 2020. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2020/05/08/ahmaud-arbery-shooting-what-we-know-satilla-shores-community/3096389001/
Chapter 7
Reason #39
Pryor, Karen. Don’t Shoot the Dog: The Art of Teaching and Training. New York, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984.
Clear, James. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. New York, New York: Avery, 2018.
Bradshaw, John WS, Anne J. Pullen, and Nicola J. Rooney. “Why do adult dogs ‘play’?.” Behavioural Processes 110 (2015): 82-87.
Sommerville, Rebecca, Emily A. O’Connor, and Lucy Asher. “Why do dogs play? Function and welfare implications of play in the domestic dog.” Applied Animal Behaviour Science 197 (2017): 1-8.
Gillette, Robert L., and T. Craig Angle. “Canine Locomotion Analysis,” in Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy, 2nd edition, edited by Darryl Mills and David Levine, 201-210. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2014.
Martins, Catarina F., Luís Silva, Jorge Soares, Graça S. Pinto, Catarina Abrantes, Luís Cardoso, Maria A. Pires, Hélder Sousa, and Maria P. Mota. “Walk or be walked by the dog? The attachment role.” BMC Public Health 24, no. 1 (2024): 684.
Reason #41
Schwartz, Richard. No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model. Boulder, Colorado: Sounds True, 2021.
Weinstein, Emily, and Carrie James. Behind Their Screens: What Teens Are Facing (and Adults Are Missing). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2022.
Telzer, Eva H. “Dopaminergic reward sensitivity can promote adolescent health: A new perspective on the mechanism of ventral striatum activation.” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 17 (2016): 57-67.
Livingston, Sonia, and Alicia Blum-Ross. Parenting for a Digital Future: How Hopes and Fears about Technology Shape Children’s Lives. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.
Stixrud, William, and Ned Johnson. The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives. New York, New York: Penguin, 2018.
Stixrud, William, and Ned Johnson. What Do You Say? How to Talk with Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and a Happy Home. New York, New York: Penguin, 2022.
Reason #42
Johnson, Kirsten E., Jeff Thompson, Judith A. Hall, and Cord Meyer. “Crisis (hostage) negotiators weigh in: the skills, behaviors, and qualities that characterize an expert crisis negotiator.” Police Practice and Research 19, no. 5 (2018): 472-489.
Smedslund, Geir, Rigmor C. Berg, Karianne T. Hammerstrøm, Asbjørn Steiro, Kari A. Leiknes, Helene M. Dahl, and Kjetil Karlsen. “Motivational interviewing for substance abuse.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 7, no. 1 (2011): 1-126.
Bischof, Gallus, Anja Bischof, and Hans-Jürgen Rumpf. “Motivational interviewing: an evidence-based approach for use in medical practice.” Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 118, no. 7 (2021): 109.
Reason #43
Kenkel, William M., Allison M. Perkeybile, and C. Sue Carter. “The neurobiological causes and effects of alloparenting.” Developmental Neurobiology 77, no. 2 (2017): 214-232.
Bogin, Barry, Jared Bragg, and Christopher Kuzawa. “Humans are not cooperative breeders but practice biocultural reproduction.” Annals of Human Biology 41, no. 4 (2014): 368-380.
Quinlan, Alison, Ryan E. Rhodes, Mark R. Beauchamp, Danielle Symons Downs, Darren ER Warburton, and Chris M. Blanchard. “Evaluation of a physical activity intervention for new parents: protocol paper for a randomized trial.” BMC Public Health 17 (2017): 1-10.
Rhodes, Ryan E., Chris M. Blanchard, Cecilia Benoit, Ryna Levy-Milne, Patti Jean Naylor, Danielle Symons Downs, and Darren ER Warburton. “Physical activity and sedentary behavior across 12 months in cohort samples of couples without children, expecting their first child, and expecting their second child.” Journal of Behavioral Medicine 37 (2014): 533-542.